How to Buy Massage Oils
Massage oil can be used by anyone seeking to give or receive relaxing massages. It can also be used as an intimacy enhancer or as a form of aromatherapy to assist with mood regeneration. The oil can be added to a warm bath to moisturize and sooth muscular aches. Buy massage oils in scents that please you and balance your body, mind and spirits.
Buy a "carrier" oil into which you'll add your massage oil. You must always dilute essential oils; never apply them directly to the skin. Common carrier oils include wheat germ, almond and grape seed oil, all which have nourishing and healing properties.
Seek an oil like passion seed with anti-bacterial and anti-itching properties if you're bothered with dry, itchy skin or scalp. This is also the perfect oil to use as an intimacy enhancer. The fresh, citrus scent can lift your spirits.
Look for
oil if you're stressed and need a soothing, relaxing experience. Lavender oil combines well with the healing properties of the carrier almond oil to help relieve arthritis and sore muscles and it may reduce the need for anti-inflammatory medication.
Dilute geranium oil with your carrier to help bruises and sores heal and cellulite disappear. This oil can also help balance hormones and, as a result, aid with PMS and depression issues.
Enjoy mint as a massage oil. Peppermint oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and can promote blood flow to needy areas. The peppermint scent can refresh the mind and body and enhance mental clarity.
Try ginger essential oil with your carrier oil. This warming oil can ease aching muscles and reduce a fever. The scent of ginger - remember grandma's gingerbread men - will boost your spirits and steady your emotions.
Tips & Warnings
Dilute your oils by using 15 drops of essential oil to one ounce of carrier oil.
If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using essential oils.
Massage oil can be used by anyone seeking to give or receive relaxing massages. It can also be used as an intimacy enhancer or as a form of aromatherapy to assist with mood regeneration. The oil can be added to a warm bath to moisturize and sooth muscular aches. Buy massage oils in scents that please you and balance your body, mind and spirits.
Buy a "carrier" oil into which you'll add your massage oil. You must always dilute essential oils; never apply them directly to the skin. Common carrier oils include wheat germ, almond and grape seed oil, all which have nourishing and healing properties.
Seek an oil like passion seed with anti-bacterial and anti-itching properties if you're bothered with dry, itchy skin or scalp. This is also the perfect oil to use as an intimacy enhancer. The fresh, citrus scent can lift your spirits.
Look for
oil if you're stressed and need a soothing, relaxing experience. Lavender oil combines well with the healing properties of the carrier almond oil to help relieve arthritis and sore muscles and it may reduce the need for anti-inflammatory medication.
Dilute geranium oil with your carrier to help bruises and sores heal and cellulite disappear. This oil can also help balance hormones and, as a result, aid with PMS and depression issues.
Enjoy mint as a massage oil. Peppermint oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and can promote blood flow to needy areas. The peppermint scent can refresh the mind and body and enhance mental clarity.
Try ginger essential oil with your carrier oil. This warming oil can ease aching muscles and reduce a fever. The scent of ginger - remember grandma's gingerbread men - will boost your spirits and steady your emotions.
Tips & Warnings
Dilute your oils by using 15 drops of essential oil to one ounce of carrier oil.
If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using essential oils.